When your loved one is staying in Assisted Living, you want to be sure they’re getting the care they need and enjoying their time. We at Sprenger Healthcare understand that it can be difficult to have your loved one away from you at an Assisted Living facility. This is why we do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for you to stay connected to them and their caregivers.
Although you can always call your loved one or visit whenever possible, there are other ways to keep a strong connection with them while in Assisted Living. To help, we’re sharing some of our tips for staying connected:
Smile at Sprenger Healthcare
Using Smile is easy! When your loved one is placed in a Sprenger Healthcare’ Assisted Living Community, ask the Assisted Living Manager or Life Enrichment Director for information about Smile. You will be given a pamphlet with all of the information you need and instructions on how to sign up.
Why should you participate in Smile? This program gives families 24/7 access to their loved one’s daily activities and also allows our staff to securely send positive messages, pictures, and videos to families. Family members can also connect with the caregivers and staff at Sprenger by sending communications back through the system. Smile can be used on any computer, tablet or smart phone as long as you have access to the internet.
If you’re interested in learning more about Smile and how it can help you stay connected to your loved one in our Sprenger Assisted Living communities, please call 800-772-1116.